Monday, May 30, 2011

Eat a good breakfast; you're gonna need it. revised.

"Eat a good breakfast. You're gonna need it."
"What did you learn, Crystal?" She raised her voice to me like a cocksure mother as she was getting into the Driver's seat. She had sunglasses in her hair and a Red Bull in her hand. I was in the passenger seat. It was midnight in Los Angeles.
"What did you learn?" she taunted me again. I was her four-year-old son for a second but we were on amphetamines.
"I don't know, Ashley. What did I learn?" also cocksure.
We were en route to O'Connell's Pub for Cocktails.
"Don't look people in the eye. Jeramy taught me that years ago." She said it with her head cocked to the side the way that only she cocks it with a Big-T.I.P. sensual smile. Oh, and those teeth.
When she said it it sounded like it could have been the ultimate wisdom but I didn’t believe her. A maxim for the times I guess but I didn’t trust it. I wanted eyes.
 She lowered her shades to cover her eyes and we were off again down Pacific Coast Highway. It was midnight on the western edge of America and we had missed our plane. We didn’t care. We had better things to do. We wanted More. We didn’t want any less.
225 words

Vital Vernal

     There's pink cocktail down my back from shoulder blades to ass-crack. We had an accident. And there's a paper-plate in the bathroom sink with soggy bread and a cigarette butt. There's a hollow bone on the floor between the toilet and the wall. And Vernal Vodka on the tile. Hallow bone. Marrow has been sucked out. You can hear the slurping in the kitchen. My skin is sticky. Shrimp salad all over the toilet. There're too many sous chefs here. Some tragedy happened and it's only 11:44pm. Melon is dripping off the porcelain so this is a fine mess. But still, I can't get over what I shouldn't even know. 
     "...her eyes!" I overheard them talking about me when they couldn't find me. 
     "I know. I try to look her in the eyes but it's like looking into a vampire's eyes."